Monthly Archives: January 2023
Slip and Falls And The Science Of Friction
Let’s say that you fall in someone’s store or on someone’s property. You may not think there’s a lot of science involved. Sure, there are legal and factual issues that need to be resolved to see if the other side is liable, but a scientific expert is hardly the kind of expert you’d think… Read More »
Have You Ever Read What’s Actually In That Cruise Ticket?
As things get back to normal after COVID, one industry that is experiencing a rebirth is the cruise industry. People are starting to have a great time buying that ticket and going cruising. But have you looked at that cruise ticket? Because that’s actually much more than a ticket: it’s a contract, and one… Read More »
Lacerations Are Serious Injuries
Compared to other types of injuries, it’s easy to think of cuts or lacerations as relatively minor. But laceration injuries can be very serious and even debilitating. How Lacerations Happen Lacerations often happen in accidents; they may be the only injury suffered, or they may accompany other types of injuries. Certainly, lacerations happen when… Read More »