Author Archives: Jay Butchko
What is a Demand Letter?
Many people believe that once they see their personal injury attorney, a lawsuit will be filed right away. But that’s not always the case. Sometimes, your attorney may want to wait to file a lawsuit, to give the defendant or insurance company the opportunity to offer to settle the case. Why Settle Before Trial?… Read More »
The Role of the Investigator in an Injury Case
When there is an accident, often attorneys will talk about getting an investigator to the scene, or having a private investigator get information. But what does that mean—what does an investigator actually do, in terms of investigating the circumstances of an accident? Why Is an Investigator Needed? Before explaining what an accident investigator does,… Read More »
Is it Legal to Drive With Too Much Caffeine in Your System?
By now it is hopefully obvious to you, the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. But what about caffeine? We often joke about how much caffeine we drink or consume, laughing about how addicted we are, or how important that morning coffee is to us. But could caffeine lead to… Read More »
Constructive Knowledge in a Premises Liability Case
Can you know something without actually knowing it? That sounds like a riddle. But in law, it actually describes the concept of constructive knowledge. The idea of constructive knowledge can be a powerful force, in allowing you to hold a property owner liable for dangerous conditions on property that cause injury to you. What… Read More »
The Roles of Judge and Juries in Your Injury Case
You may already know that in most typical injury lawsuits, a jury will hear your case and decide the facts. But there is also a judge, and your injury attorney may have discussed with you about the judge that was assigned to your case (judges are usually randomly selected to cases). But why is… Read More »
What is a Soft Tissue Injury?
If you are in an accident and you are injured, you may hear the other side, often through their insurance company, dismiss your injuries as “just soft tissue.” At first, you may think they’re right. But what exactly does that mean? And can it really prevent you from recovering compensation for your injuries after… Read More »
Less Commonly Known Experts That You May Need in Your Injury Case
In a typical injury case, there are some experts that you would imagine and expect would be needed in your case. Think, for example, of doctors: they will testify if you’re injured, how injured you are, and what your prognosis for recovery may be. But there is a whole world of experts in the… Read More »
Understanding Long-Term Post-Accident Arthritis
Arthritis: you may know it as a long term ailment, a painful condition that generally comes with old age, or at least, constant wear and tear on our joints. And while that is true, that’s not the only way people can develop arthritis. There is such a thing as post traumatic arthritis, and it… Read More »
Negligent Entrustment: What is it and How Can It Help Accident Victims?
Ownership of property matters. That’s true even in personal injury cases. Because in situations where someone injures you using an object, from a gun to a golf cart to a car, who owns the object may have some liability—even if they were not involved in the accident themselves. Negligent Entrustment It’s called negligent entrustment…. Read More »
Unique Issues in Drunk Driving Cases
If you are hit and injured by a drunk driver in Massachusetts, it may seem like an easy case—after all, everybody knows DUI is illegal, and most jurors will look at the drunk driver with some scorn and hostility for causing an injury while being drunk. But there are actually a lot of details… Read More »